This item cannot be purchased from a vendor. List of all gifts the romanceable candidates like and dislike! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Sun Haven game. #1. Item. Her unique item is Lynn’s Shield. This item can be purchased from the Cafe for 2000 Nothing currently drops this item. The player does not currently get this item from any NPC. He lives in his house on the hill north of Liam's Bakery, on the north-western reaches of town. . 9 comments Best Add a Comment Low_Judge1666 • 1 yr. Firstly, you can complete the two quests, which will enable Nathaniel and Lynn to help you deal damage to Krusty. Kai is a new romanceable NPC coming with patch 1. She values peoples’ perspectives and ability to teach different things. I'm at 10 hearts with Lynn, Liam, Wornhardt, and Claude. Check out our Sun Haven Characters and Gifts guide without delay! Sun Haven Characters and Gifts. One thing I recommend, freeze the top row so when you scroll, it remains there. 😋 84. Once unlocked this Record can also be bought at the Record Store. As. Nevertheless, you can marry only one person. The player does not currently get this item from any NPC. Road to Herald Mar 10, 2022 @ 4:34am. ago For me I always go with Darius. Lynn Haven Gift baskets can include. She is the first character that the protagonist meets on the train during the intro segment of the game, as she is also moving to Sun Haven at that time. . ↑8,650 ↓1,295. Grow crops, raise livestock, craft items, mine ores, defeat bosses, catch fish, cook recipes, decorate your farm, complete quests, fall in love, and. To romance Lynn in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. March 23, 2023 by Harry Gifts can be given to NPCs to increase their friendship level with the player and unlock new side quests while also allowing players to date and marry other characters. She loves Creamy Beef Stew, Mithril and Sunite Bars as gifts. Nothing currently drops this item. I haven’t had the honor of meeting Xyla, Darius or Donovan yet so I have no opinion except they look cool. There are 15 romance options in Sun Haven as of writing, that you can date regardless of gender. Avoid giving Lucia Earth and Water Crystals, both products of mining, as she dislikes these. Best Gift for Anne: Diamond. She likes Energy Smoothies, Greenroot, Peppers, and Spicy Ramen as gifts. (Kickstarter ending today) 3 comments. Pre-configured BepInEx pack for Sun Haven. Dating question. Most of the ingredients to create this item come from the region of Sun Haven. Sun Haven is a family owned and operated adult care home assisting adults ages 18 and. #1 lilster. This page lists the dialogue lines for Lynn. Despite being one of his disliked items, as the town doctor, there. Sun Haven Characters and Gifts LOVE Tomato Juice, Tomato Soup, Tomato Salad, Tomato Bread, Red Veggie Soup, Vampire Squid, Vampire Piranha, Record, Havenite, Blue Rose Bouquet, Red Rose Bouquet. yeah lynn gave me her keepsake at 9 hearts. Avoid giving Lynn Fertilizer as she dislikes this. LionelParks Jul 4, 2021 @ 10:15pm. She loves Creamy Beef Stew, Mithril and Sunite Bars as gifts. ginandcats Aug 3, 2021 @ 9:54am. He likes foods like Bone Gifts, Spicy Ramen, and Diamonds as gifts. Iris's House is available to the player all day (6AM - 12AM). r/coralisland. Wornhardt’s House. . The Demon Prince of Withergate, Darius is energetic and cocky. Ready to romance Kitty in Sun Haven? I’ve got the best gifts for Kitty, all dates, schedule, and all her heart events lined up for you in this guide! Need. 180. LIKE Tomato, Spaghetti, Apple, Apple Juice, Cinnamon Apple Pie, Record Player, Claude’s Performance Record. : (. Few games blend farming RPG mechanics, casual slice-of-life interactions, and high fantasy styles like Sun Haven does. He is the sole resident of the large house north of Kitty's farm and enjoys the isolation, seeing it as beneficial for his work. In this video I explain what each of the wishes at the beginning of Sun Haven give you and which of them will be the best to choose for your journey. Hello! i made a little character gift doc for my self and figured i should share it with others. To romance Anne in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. Not only did you have to use your day wisely, but every action depleted your energy and could lead you to pass out. West of Lynn’s house through the exit is Solon’s Smithery where Solon and Lynn work, along with the entrance to the Sun Haven Mine. Sun Haven - A train ride to a new life!You have just arrived in Sun Haven… only to find it’s been struck by dark magic! With only a handful of money and some rusty tools in hand, it’s up to you to build the farm of your dreams. So, according to wiki (Google it), on a sunny day yes, other no, he leaves his house like. Like you, she was blessed by the Elios, Sun Dragon, though her abilities came at a much younger age. . . Avoid giving Lynn Fertilizer as she dislikes this. This habitual workaholic lives her life on a cycle of buying and selling. smith Dec 24, 2021 @ 9:40am yeah, it's weird, the game never seems to recognise if you miss dates, it just continues on like you attended. Lynn gives this to the player during the marriage ceremony, and if the player gives it back to her as a gift, she is greatly displeased. Sun Haven 1. Welcome to our 189th Commencement Service! 2023 Commencement Ceremony. Lynn is missing. To romance Nathaniel in Sun Haven, you will want to give him gifts that he loves and likes. This item cannot be purchased from a vendor. If you are one of those who find it difficult to. 15 Hearts - After reaching this level, you can propose to a character by giving him or her a Wedding Ring, which can be purchased from Bernard. can someone help me with that?In today's video, we're going over where you can find Jun, Liam, Lucia, and Kitty from Sun Haven throughout the day. He loves Mashed Potatoes, Pot Pie, and Swords as gifts. 1. :) Brave2512 • 1 yr. Drop Off Bin (Sell Items. Along. Our member are from all areas. . The Barracks are available to the player 8AM -. I've been working on decompiling game files and have made a full list of all the characters liked and disliked gifts, so I thought I would share with everyone here. Gifting diamonds gives a better reaction from Darius. It cannot be sold, and must either be given to a NPC as a gift, or thrown in the trash. Find this building in the north east section of Sun Haven with the Pet Store and Cafe. Romance is one of the features that players can experience while playing the game. Ready to romance Lynn, The Blacksmith’s Apprentice, in Sun Haven? I’ve got the best gifts for Lynn, all dates, Lynn’s schedule, and all heart events lined up. Lynn, one of the 16 romanceable NPCs, in our game Sun Haven. She likes Adamant, Copper, and Iron Bars along with Pickled Veggie Salad as gifts. The player is allowed to wear two rings at a time. Vaan has one schedule that he follows rain or shine. To romance Darius in Sun Haven, you will want to give him gifts that he loves and likes. Note that you will not be able to move on into the game without. The Spicy Ramen is a rare dish that can be cooked by the player at the Cooking Pot. This item cannot be purchased. The Love Letter is a crucial item if a player wishes to date a romanceable character, such as Anne or Nathaniel. Image via Pixel Sprout Studios Marriage is one of the most important things you can do in Sun Haven. Sun Haven, LLC Adult Assisted Living Home, Tomah, Wisconsin. Always with a story to tell, he’s a wildcard that values adventure over almost anything. Xyla's Queen Chess Piece is an accessory item for the player's Keepsake slot. (Kickstarter ending today). You have the option to propose to a character after you have hit the 15 Hearts relationship level cap. If the player is not married to Kai,. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). Cynthia is the town's matchmaker and Romance Merchant. ( (For context: I have married Vaan, Claude, Catherine, and Lynn on my playthroughs so far. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). Uploaded: 19 Mar 2023 . To give someone a gift, interact with them. Following his reform from. Miscellaneous. Funny enough, if you find the food of Kitty's out in the western forest, and give it to her, she gives you some sort of "Angel Fish". Originally posted by Ethan: You have to click the item you wish to gift and then drop it on the box on the left. She likes Rubies, Sapphires, and Amethysts as gifts. Raising the relationship level of a character leads to dating and the option of marriage. Apple. Iris is an Elven enchanter in Nel'Vari. Ingredients. Welcome to our Sun Haven Characters and Gifts guide. In-Game. In Sun Haven, there is a relationship level cap of 15 Hearts (unless married, which is raised to 20 Hearts). . workbench. . He likes Boots, Chestplates, Gloves, and Helmets as gifts. One thing I recommend, freeze the top row so when you scroll, it remains there. Poster • Hand Mirror • Hoof Polish • Horseshoe • Illusory Tonic • Joke Book • Jun's Flower • Lavender Candle • Lynn's Pickaxe • Medicine • Moonsight Potion. She could use a friend, don’t you think? And you know what friends. Here are the best gifts for each character. Character. Covers friendship stages, keepsakes, and gifts. Every day the. Midna-7 • 2 yr. She's the slow shy type. Sun Haven. 1: Epilogue, Translations, and Customization is here!. I've been working on decompiling game files and have made a full list of all the characters liked and disliked gifts, so I thought I would share with everyone here. She likes Adamant, Copper, and Iron Bars along with Pickled Veggie Salad as gifts. To attend this festival, the player must talk to Bernard in the town center any time after 12:00pm on the last day of Fall. Covers friendship stages, keepsakes, and gifts. The player is allowed to wear two rings at a time. Introduction Overview Sun. Rating: 96%. . Image via Pixel Sprout Studios Marriage is one of the most important things you can do in Sun Haven. She loves Creamy Beef Stew, Mithril and Sunite Bars as gifts. Players must acquire a number of hearts of friendship with Lynn before being allowed inside of his home. There might be a way around this. 87% Upvoted. Lynn's Shield is an accessory item for the player's Keepsake slot. To romance Lynn in Sun Haven, you will want to give her gifts that she loves and likes. Wornhardt's Stethescope. You can give each of the 15 characters a gift every day. #1. 9 comments Best Add a Comment Low_Judge1666 • 1 yr. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. This item can be purchased from the Cafe for 1800 Nothing currently drops this item. Lynn is on her way to Sun Haven to become a smithing apprentice, but she’s a bit nervous. otakun. There are many gifts you can give to the romance candidates to improve your relationship with them, this guide will cover one or two gifts that are loved or liked by the characters. Avoid giving Lynn Fertilizer as she dislikes this. Created Oct 19, 2020. She likes Adamant, Copper, and Iron Bars along with Pickled Veggie Salad as gifts. . Having someone by your side is lovely, but you also get significant in-game bonuses. Avoid giving Lynn Fertilizer as she dislikes this. In Sun Haven, there are many options to choose from for romance-able characters and gender will not play a factor in who can and cannot be romanced so make some friends and beyond!? Here is an early picture of the first set of romance-able characters: From left to right: (Top): Lucia, Liam, Anne, Catherine, Lynn, Nathaniel, Jun, Claude. Withergate residents respect her, fear her, and desire her all at once. #1. I can't figure out if I missed something or if the game is bugging out. Originally posted by Ethan: You have to click the item you wish to gift and then drop it on the box on the left. Hello, I'm having issues with progressing my relationships with some characters. She mentions occasionally having problems with fatigue due to a heart condition. We're back in Sun Haven for an update dated back to patch 0. He has promised to reform his ways and become a productive member of the town. 9 There Is No Energy Stat. This item can be purchased from the Bernard at the Town Hall for 4,000 Nothing currently drops this item. 96 $ 19. Liam Wedding Ring is an accessory item for the player's Ring slot. One feature that Stardew Valley had was an energy stat bar. lol The "enemies to lovers" plot is usually better in games. . Gifts are categorized into three types, depending on the character’s reaction to receiving them: Love, Like, and Dislike. Also dating opens up the relationship for marriage when it. Welcome to our Sun Haven Characters and Gifts guide. yeah, it's weird, the game never seems to recognise if you miss dates, it just continues on like you attended. 1 Summary 2 Dating 3 Proposing/Engagement 4 Wedding 5 Married life Summary Romance is enabled within the game among the 18 currently available Romance Candidates. I have a sweet spot for softspoken sweethearts. Universally Disliked Gifts; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.