It’s the ReUSE Markets 1st Birthday Congratulations to our hard working Team and our wonderful Customers. ABC South East SA, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia. ReUse Market; Water; Energy; Sustainable Living; Natural Environment; Food and Garden; Transport; E-Waste; Waste and Recycling - Educational;. Looking forward to seeing you all. Restaurant. Mount Gambier is the second largest city in South Australia and provides a pe rfect balance between the vibrant lifestyle of a big city and the comforts of a small town. Related Pages. 3. Dear customers, Please note the ReUse Market open day scheduled for Wednesday 14 April 2021 has been cancelled. The Mount Gambier ReUse Market, located at 3 Eucalypt Drive, aims to reduce landfill by reusing and upcycling useful items and is a place where you can get. ScRoll Queen. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account?. Mount Gambier North R-7 School. . experience in their interactions within the ReUse Market and Waste Transfer Station. The Mount Gambier ReUse Market, located at 3 Eucalypt Drive, aims to reduce landfill by reusing and upcycling useful items and is a place where you can get anything and everything second hand – building materials, bikes, sports gear, garden equipment,. You are here: Home; Cemetery Search ; Enter last name only to search. Dear Valued Reuse Market Customers, We are looking to hear from our market regulars who’ve taken on projects with second-hand materials, ideally with captivating photographs. Today we are selling a Bucket Load for $100. July 13, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. Mount Gambier ReUse Market, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia. ScRoll Queen. Create new account. Here are some examples of what happens to Mount Gambier’s recycling: • Cardboard and mixed paper are sent to facilities in Victoria and New South Wales where they are turned into new recycled paper products. See you thenSee more of Mount Gambier ReUse Market on Facebook. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Supermarket. ScRoll Queen. 00 am - 1. The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Saturday , 21st May 2022, 10:00am - 1pm. August 20, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. Dear customers, Unfortunately our open day scheduled for Saturday 24 July 2021 is cancelled due to the SA COVID-19 lockdown. The ReUse Market is open today. WDEA Works Mount Gambier provide a pathway to disability employment service. 4,242 likes · 16 talking about this · 9 were here. City of Mount Gambier. Accessibility Help. Dear valued ReUse Market customers, Just a quick update to let you know that we are working on a plan to re-open as soon as it is safe to do so. Last opening for 2021, Today Wednesday 8th December 2021, 10:00am - 1pm. Beachport Visitor Information Centre. 7K views, 16 likes, 1 loves, 3 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mount Gambier ReUse Market: Do you have something at home or work that is. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. The ReUSE Team are “lighting up” ready for open tomorrow Saturday 23rd February 2019 10am - 1pm See you thenRotary have the hot plates ready at the ReUse. . Team ReUseThe ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Wednesday, 27th April 2022, 10:00am - 1pm. Our open days are suspended until further notice but. . Love your work Taryn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Team ReUse ♻️Dear Valued Reuse Market Customers, We are looking to hear from our market regulars who’ve taken on projects with second-hand materials, ideally with captivating photographs. Drop Drop was another area, later Torrensdale named because of continual dropping of water from a local cave. Telephone 08 8721 2555 FacsimileDue to the surge of COVID-19 cases locally, it is with regret we advise that the ReUse Market opening scheduled for Saturday 22 January 2022 is cancelled. 10 Loads LeftMount Gambier ReUse Market. Team ReUse. Looking forward to seeing you all. Starline Outdoor Cinema. See more of Mount Gambier ReUse Market on Facebook. 2K views, 37 likes, 2 loves, 6 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mount Gambier ReUse Market: The Mount Gambier ReUse Market is proud to be building a number of partnerships within the. Limoncello Caravan Bar. The Mount Gambier ReUse Market! Drop it off to the: Waste Transfer Station 5 Eucalypt Drive Mount Gambier Phone: (08) 8723 9257. Team ReUse. Movie Theater. Blue Lake Sports Park Master Plan endorsed. Anne Mccurdy Images. City of Mount Gambier City Infrastructure General Manager Nick Serle said loadbearing block. . Log In. October 18, 2019 · Open today Saturday 19th October 10:00am to 1:00pm. Team ReUse Ready BBQ by Rotary Ready Come along and say hiTrees, Trees, Trees and more Trees! Bare root season is here. Facebook. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Coffee shop. Looking forward to. The ReUSE Market Team Teaser! Looking forward to seeing our valued customers tomorrow, 10am - 1pm, 10th April 2019. Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Closed Public Holidays. Create new account. . The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening today, Wednesday 14th July 2021. School. Opening at 10am - 1pm. 00 am - 1. Not now. For full in. . ♻️ So many wonderful items recovered for our customers to purchase. 00 am - 1. It is important that we maintain a COVID safe environment for our. August 22, 2019 · The ReUSE Market Open Saturday 24th August 2019 10. Come in and see the treasures we have saved from landfill! 3 Eucalypt Drive, Mount Gambier. Bakery. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Rebecca’s connections and jobs at similar companies. 3. Donations can still be accepted via the Waste. 00 pm Looking forward to seeing our smiling happy customers ☘️The ReUse Market is ready to open from 10am - 1pm Today 8th May 2019 One persons trash is another persons treasure! Come and grab a bargainWe’re Back. Forgot account? or. Team ReUse. . Occasional Furniture from $3. Flea Market. Log In. . August 19, 2021 · Our ReUse Team and Resident Chooks have a scheduled opening this Saturday 21st August 2021. For other future open dates, visit. Log In. See more of Mount Gambier ReUse Market on Facebook. For other future open dates, visit. Create new account. . orMount Gambier ReUse Market. It. We are open tomorrow Wednesday 12th February 2020 10:00am to 1:00pm. The ReUse Market is ready to open from 10am - 1pm Today 9th January 2019 One persons trash is another persons treasure! Come and grab a bargain. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Bar. The Mount Gambier ReUse Market is proud to be building a number of partnerships within the community. 50 still lots of bargainsFoodland Mount Gambier at Central. Forgot account? or. If you have made a donation to the Reuse Market via the Waste Transfer Station and are missing a key, please call our customer service team 8721 2555. January 8, 2019 · The ReUse Market is ready to open from 10am - 1pm Today 9th January 2019 One persons trash is another persons treasure! Come and grab a bargain. . The Mount Gambier ReUse Market aims to reduce landfill by reusing and upcycling useful items and is a place where you can get anything and everything second hand - building materials, bikes, sports gear, garden equipment, spare parts, bric-a-brac, furniture etc. The Mount Gambier ReUse Market, located at 3 Eucalypt Drive, aims to reduce landfill by reusing and upcycling useful items and is a place where you can get anything and everything second hand – building materials, bikes, sports gear, garden equipment, spare parts, bric-a-brac, furniture etc. The ongoing dedication and selflessness of volunteers benefits us all. The market provides a variety of second hand goods for sale at 3 Eucalypt Drive Mount Gambier and aims to reduce. 10:00am - 1pm. This ReUse Market is the result of work done by the Environmental Sustainability Sub Committee of which I was a member. Create new account. Location. The ReUse Market is opening today this Wednesday, 13 July 2022, 10:00am - 1pm. The Mount Gambier ReUse Market, located at 3 Eucalypt Drive, aims to reduce landfill by reusing and upcycling useful items and is a place where you can get anything and everything second hand – building materials, bikes, sports gear, garden equipment,. Apologies for the recent interruption to our scheduling. The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Saturday 22nd May 2021. to arise in our community, we regret to inform that the opening days scheduled for Wednesday 9 and Saturday 19 February 2022 will not proceed. Flea Market. We will be posting items for sale via the. The ReUSE Team recovering and relaxed in preparation for a great Market Day tomorrow Open Saturday 18th May 2019 10. Love your work Taryn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Team ReUse ♻️The Mount Gambier ReUse Market was officially opened on Saturday, offering a variety of second hand goods for sale. Mount Gambier ReUSE Market. An agenda for the meeting is enclosed. City of Mount Gambier Annual Report 2019/2020 City of Mount Gambier Annual Report 2018/2019. . ♻️ We have a sale on plastic kitchen containers, bags full for only 50c. How fabulous is this! The creative team from the Riddoch have upcycled some items from the Mount Gambier ReUse Market. Check Mount Gambier ReUse Market in Mount Gambier, SA, 3 Eucalypt Drive on Cylex and find ☎ (08) 8721 2. Log In. The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Wednesday, 11th May 2022, 10:00am - 1pm. gov. Mount Gambier ReUse Market, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia. Mount Gambier ReUse Market. Limestone Coast Pantry. Sections of this page. or. City of Mount Gambier Deputy Mayor Sonya Mezinec spoke at the. S. Our Crochet Club is one of our most popular events! With reduced numbers permitted due to Government requirements, we are opening a second day - Thursdays! Small group sizes - no need to attend every week - bookings open 1 week in advance. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am to 12:00pm Saturday & Sunday 2:00pm to 5:00pm Public holidays Closed. 00 pm can’t wait to see your smiling facesOpen today 10. Adhere to City of Mount Gambier General Conditions of Employment Undertake other related duties as required for the effective and efficient operation within the scope of this. Opening hours: Monday to Friday. . 2K views, 37 likes, 2 loves, 6 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mount Gambier ReUse Market: The Mount Gambier ReUse Market is proud to be building a number of partnerships within the. Create new account. See more of Mount Gambier ReUse Market on Facebook. Team ReUseThis week is National Volunteer Week and City of Mount Gambier is acknowledging and celebrating the outstanding contribution volunteers make across our city. Rotary will have the BBQ going. Tertiary Navigation. . Vicis Netball Club. PO Box 56 Mount Gambier SA 5290. Working from home or Studying ?. The ReUse Market is open today. September 7, 2021 · The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening today, Wednesday 8th September 2021. Happy days, Team ReUse. Mount Gambier ReUse Market. ReUse Market; Water; Energy; Sustainable Living; Natural Environment; Food and Garden; Transport; E-Waste; Waste and Recycling - Educational;. Our team wants to celebrate and encourage reuse projects which showcase how you can save money, how the project can look as good or better than new materials and more. City of Mount Gambier ReUse Market Coordinator Rebecca Mobbs is pictured with some of the many items that have been saved from landfill ready to go on sale when the facility opens in the coming months. November 19, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. Team. ♻️ So many wonderful items recovered for our customers to purchase. The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Wednesday 9th June 2021. Come in and see the treasures we have saved from landfill! 3 Eucalypt Drive, Mount Gambier. 1K views, 3 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Mount Gambier ReUse Market: Today we celebrate the start of National Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians to. Mount Gambier ReUSE Market. The volcano’s crater rim is 190 metres and the surface of The Blue Lake 12 metres above sea level. Team ReUse. Gawler History Team. Open today 2pm - 5pm. Brought to you by the City of Mount Gambier, the ReUse Market will be a place where you can get anything and everything. . Come along to 3 Eucalypt Drive and have a look through the many and varied items that have been generously. 10:00am - 1pm. (On Site – Re-Use Market – 3 Eucalypt Drive, Mount Gambier): Tuesday, 28 August 2018 at time 7:30 a. New Resident Pack (1. Mount Gambier ReUse Market, Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia. Public Service. 10 am - 1 pm. The ReUse Market, located at 3 Eucalypt Drive, works in partnership with the Waste Transfer Station recovering items that are reusable and saving them. The team are now busy recovering donations and items from the waste stream. October 21, 2021 · The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Saturday 23rd October 2021, 10:00am - 1pm. 1 Acknowledgement of Country 3 Mayor’s Message 4. Team ReUse. Toggle search box. Welcome to the official ABC South East SA Facebook page. Mount Gambier Edible City aims to promote the development of Mount Gambier’s. It. 10:00am - 1pm. Mount Gambier Garden. Katrina is our in-store dietician, and will be offering FREE 20 minute consultations at our Grand Opening Event Saturday 28th March. The ReUse Market team have a scheduled opening this Saturday, 18 June 2022, 10:00am - 1pm. . Mount Gambier ReUse Market. Log In. With the very best walks that Mount Gambier has to offer. Having a clean out? Donations for the ReUse Market can be dropped off at the Waste Transfer Station between 7:30am and 12:00pm on weekdays and 2:00pm to 5:00pm on weekends.